5 min
4 Fallacies That Keep SMBs Vulnerable to Ransomware, Pt. 2
In our second blog in this two-part series, Datto Inc. CISO Ryan Weeks outlines the third and fourth fallacies that perpetuate ransomware risk for SMBs.
5 min
4 Fallacies That Keep SMBs Vulnerable to Ransomware, Pt. 1
In this two-part blog series, we will present four common mistakes SMBs make when thinking about ransomware risk.
2 min
Threat Intel
Cybercriminals’ Recruiting Effort Highlights Need for Proper User Access Controls
The Lapsus$ ransomware gang’s modus operandi seems to be evolving.
4 min
Graph Analysis of the Conti Ransomware Group Internal Chats
The leaked communications from the Conti ransomware group are a rich source of intelligence, and the messaging patterns provide even more insight.
7 min
Conti Ransomware Group Internal Chats Leaked Over Russia-Ukraine Conflict
On February 27, Twitter user @ContiLeaks released a trove of chat logs from the sophisticated ransomware group, Conti.
6 min
How Ransomware Is Changing US Federal Policy
The increased stakes of the ransomware threat are pushing regulators to take a harder look at whether regulatory requirements for cybersecurity safeguards are effective.
3 min
Is the Internet of Things the Next Ransomware Target?
What would it take for IoT to be the target of ransomware? This post takes a closer look.
4 min
3 Strategies That Are More Productive Than Hack Back
Hack back, as used by non-government entities, is problematic for many reasons. Here are 3 alternative strategies to thwart the attackers.
10 min
Ransomware: Is Critical Infrastructure in the Clear?
Is critical infrastructure in the clear, is it a specific target of ransomware attackers, or is it simply on the same footing as any other organization?
5 min
The Ransomware Killchain
How does a machine go from one that's working perfectly fine to one that's inoperable due to ransomware? This post takes a close look.
8 min
The Rise of Disruptive Ransomware Attacks: A Call To Action
Ransomware attacks are on the rise. In this post, we examine the dynamics of this trend and where it might be headed.
4 min
Threat Intel
What It Was Like to Attend Black Hat USA 2021 and DEF CON 29 in Person
I attended Black Hat USA 2021 and DEF CON 29, marking the fifth time that I made this annual pilgrimage to Las Vegas for cybersecurity professionals.
8 min
Slot Machines and Cybercrime: Why Ransomware Won't Quit Pulling Our Lever
Ransomware remains a significant problem, partly because the incentives for everyone, including victims, are there to increase the number of ransomware attacks.
7 min
The Ransomware Task Force: A New Approach to Fighting Ransomware
The Institute for Security and Technology put together a comprehensive Ransomware Task Force (RTF) to identify new approaches to shift the dynamics of ransomware and reduce opportunities for attackers.
3 min
Decrypter FOMO No Mo’: Five Years of the No More Ransom Project
The amazing No More Ransom Project celebrates its fifth anniversary today and so we just wanted to take a moment to talk about what it has accomplished and why you should tell all your friends about it.